Rabu, 15 Februari 2012


well ok, i think it's not fair to me.. just because i litle bit fussy.. she ignore me,, or reuse me? awww shit!blody hell! that's really not fair!not at all, and that's not good1
ye, maybe or yeah exactly, she's more beautiful than me.. i know that..but... that's not the way she ignore me..
She.. i mean my friend, always look for attention to my teacher, always acts that she is better than me,,, hhaah.. that i saw.. or sorry if i'm wrong.. or think like that.. i just feel so bad! feel so upset about that.!  how come she did it to me. when she.. my friend. ask me about what i did in the class and what my teacher said about her and what should she do, what were her fault in the class, then i told her. everything. but when it turn to my performance, i was asking to her about the same questions that she asked me, and guess what, she didn't answer all the question. and that was rude i think. and soon i realize and remember what my mom said.. "never sell what u have, just buy! and i think that's right! i just fell that now.. i trust my mom.. and.. right now..
i'll never sell it!!! never ever.. how many times she asked.. i will ignore her then...

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012


woaahhh.. long time not write here.. well i'm on PPL now.. at SMA 1 Semarang. the students are good. they are smart kids.. sometimes they listening me but sometimes they ignored me. haaah.. they're really wild sometimes...
i have a partner here.. a girl. she is gorgeous girl. and the kids like see her. i'm just ordinary looks.. so for that point i don't got them. she's not good friend i think. she doesnt or maybe never told me about my teacher said something about me. and she never help me make or handle kids. when i ask how she just ignore it.. maybe she thinks i am her foe? awwww...

when i'm so enthusiastic about teaching learning, making media n passion with the kids she is not. she like in her place, safe zone. i got difficulties when i face the kids on the first sight. coz i'm not too good looking, even after that some classes love me coz my teaching style. but some of the classes ignore me when they saw me. and i think that's horrible. someone ever said to me "never judge the book from its cover." but the fact just a few of people think that's right... fuuh... so i have look for the way so that the kids listening to me... i hope i got that ways.. 
who wanna help me? :(