working here really makes my head spinning around! i have really silly n idiot partner1older but selfish, dont care about company! i have no idea why does she still here! she's not competance, even able. i dont like to blame! i know i can! i know, she always make me looks stupid in front of a lot of people. i know that im stubborn, but i know that im capable. aaahhh im really goin crazy here! working here,! its a challlange, but this is the first time that i think i wont able to give the best thing! a know im lack in this field, i need to learn more i know..
to be continued
Senin, 23 Desember 2013
Kamis, 05 Desember 2013
Fuck OFF
This world is Bullshit!! everybody make their own life without concerning others feeling. Im working now, i'm a new guy here, and i found that there's gap between others, there's dirty play around me!. all the people just make up. they just make drama here! i dont hate my comp[any, but i hate how my friends treat me! one name, is EVA, how i hate her, she always take my Job, blaming me in front of my General manager or my Director. She's as dirty as rubbish!!! she knows that i'm better than her! much better. so that she's afraid to be fired because of me!! i cant accept that!!! i do everything to make this company come forward, i make everything that she cant do! we're in marketing anyway. i just joined with this company in October 2013, i make my journal for marketing since i had joined here. she knew it. and now she ask me to make journal of marketing since January???? which is if i count them, there're 300 quotations!! is she lost her minds?aaahhh i think i want to blow up! im getting angry! my anger is like an volcano now! she cant use me NEVER!!!! i do whatever i want! if the director or the general manager asked me, i'll do that, but not her!NOT HER, AND NEVER!!!!! i dont afraid with her!!! im smart, i have god to help me!! when i have braid and she isnt i'll wont. i just neeed to do one thing!! do the best that i can do!! then i'll beat her! she cant control me! although i'm new in this office and in this field, i will never ever be her slave! do everything what she said. NEVER!!
and others, who just wanted to use me, i'll show them who i am, i'll show them! and they cant underestimate me again, NEVER, EVER!!!!!
and others, who just wanted to use me, i'll show them who i am, i'll show them! and they cant underestimate me again, NEVER, EVER!!!!!
Selasa, 30 April 2013
yuk mari kita ngomongin graduation.kemaren tuh tepat tanggal 27 april 2012, aku dinyatain LULUS dari IKIP PGRI SEMARANG. dengan predikat cumlaude, ihirr.. walo cumlaudenya bukan yang terbaek dan gak dapet plakat tambahan. kecewa juga sih,, udh gitu cumlaudenya mepet lagi.. hedeehh...bener bener gak bener, seharusnya aku study hard pas kuliah dulu biar dapet best GPA,yaahhh,,,, penyesalan mah datengnya di belakang. nah mahasiswa mahasiswa yang cumlaude duluan nih tali toganya di pindah duluan sama pak rektor. enak juga sih, soalnya jurusannku bahasa inggris, dan giliran bahasa inggris di pindah tali toga nya itu paling belakangan, capeeekk kan tuh nunggunya, belom lagi kalo keringet keringet ni udah mengucur deras di jidat.. hehe jadi lebay dah, kan make up nya ilang semua tuh?hahaha.. yaah,, itu salah satu kelebihan nilai cumlaude. nah pas di panggil namaku bwt di pindah tali toganya, aku rada rada feeling gak enak deh, di stage sih ga ada masalah, pas nyampe tempat duduk lagi, and ku liat ijasahke, eh lho? yaahh namanya nulisnya salaaahh.. apeess banget.kemaren kemaren sih udah rada curiga, soalnya pas pembagian plakat nama yang ada di plakatku salah, pas komplain sama pihak TU, si bapak TU bilangnya gpp, aku nanya ntar ijazahnya salah ga, si bapak TU gak mau jawab,, hedeeehhhh,, setelah itu ku sms nih si ibu aku, eh malah beliaunya ketawa. nah hari selasanya which is hari ini, aku balik lagi ke kampus buat benerin nama ijasah. aku dateng ke TU, kata si bapak TU aku ke bagian BAUK aja, habis ke BAUK, eh kata ibunya di sana aku di suruh ke BAAKSI, yaudah pergilah aku kesana dan ketemulah aku dengan ibu separuh baya yang pake jilbab bernama bu Yuyun. trus beliaunya nanyain ngapain nih aku kesana, trus aku bilang aja nama di ijasah salah,setelah si ibu yuyun ini cek ke arsip, eh beneran pihak kampus salah ngetik namaku. akhirnya di mintalah si ijazah and akta 4 ku, akta 4 juga salah btw. trus si ibu baaksi tu nanya transkip nilaiku salah gak, kubilang transkip nilai ok, ga ada kesalahan, trus si ibu itu minta aku nyerahin ijazah plus akta 4 beserta legalisirnya dan aku disuruh balik lagi minggu depan, tapi suruh telfon dulu. alhasil aku bilang iya n pulang deh, kelar deh, eh cuma gitu doang, gak tau juga bakalan dikasih ijasah baru ataukan di kasih lampiran kalo si ijasah milikku salah penulisan namanya. yaudah sekarang ini yang kulakukan hanya menunggu.. udah gitu doang,, hahaha
Senin, 29 April 2013
chat friends
sebelum cerita graduation mau cerita tentang my chat friends yuah. dari semua temen chat ku, ada yang dari UK, US, Iraq,Iran, Morocco, Algeria, Cina, Belanda, Rusia, Yunani, Malaysia, mana lagi? sebenernya aku gak suka sih sama malaysian, cuma sometimes orang malaysia juga ada yg baik n pinter and menghargai indonesia juga. nah dari sebanyak orang suku yang aku chat in menurutku yang pualing baik and ramah tu orang UK, bener bener sopan orang orang nya, lebih baiklah dari orang US, kadang ya, kalo pas lagi khilaf trus salah ngetik gitu eh dia bilangnya sini weird,,, doh doh jahatnya. kalo orang UK mereka lebih mahamin kita pas aku bilang "sorry ya grammarnya gaje" mereka bilang iya gpp lagian kan english bukan first language nya kalian.. waah kalo sama orang US mah udah di depak kali dari friend list. and lagi indonesia tu bukan negara yang popular ya. kadang u si bule nanya, indonesia mana sih... jiaahh jahat bener nih.. noh mas atasnya australia. jadi harus nerangin. trus emang ya mereka tu lebih attract sma budaya kita. mereka seneng lho kalo aku ceritain tentang candi. disana gak ada candi sih, adanya castle. padahal kalo aku sih ya suka castle lah.. emang ya, rumput tetangga lebih ijo dari rumput sendiri. hahaha... kalo yang paling ganteng tu yunani. duuh beneran deh ciptaan Allah bener bener ok,dari ujung rambut sampe ujung kaki bener bener perfect.. tapi gak ngerti juga ya.. soalnya ngeliatinya di cam sih.. guanteng banget, kaya channing tatum hahahaha... tapi tau tuh sekarang si yunani itu lagi layar ke asia sih,ga ol skypenya, ngasih no hp gak bener lagi dia,, hedeeehh.. udahan ya, ane ngantuk nih, publish dulu ntar besok di edit lagi udah jam 00:07 nih, ntar besok pagi kan mau ngusur si ijasah yang salah nama. okay.. see ya :) xx
new chat friends from China n US
Baru dapet temen baru nih, yg satu dari china yang 1 dari US. dua duanya ok lah face nya, ganteng,, cuma duuhh attitudenya, yg dari cina bener2 sarcastic!! masa dia cerita pengalamannya makan otak monyet?duuh ni orang gila, berasa mau muntah pas dia cerita!dan fact kalo orang cina tu sadis bener! emang yah turunan PKI sih. its ok lah kalo si monyet ntu udah mati, kejemnya lagi, otaknya diambil dari monyet yang masih hidup, otomatis lah si monyet itu struggle, ya ampun jahat banget, aku serasa mau nangis pas ngetik ini, aduuh, miris hatiku, liat ayahku hunting tikus aja aku gak tega, nah ini bayangin monyet idup di ambil otaknya, apa mereka gak peduli sama rasa sakit yang di rasain si monyet, monyetkan juga makhluk hidup yang bisa ngerasain sakit.. bener bener biadab tuh orang cina. ini bener2 orang cina dari cina ya, bukan orang cina yang stay di indonesia. eh dia bilang suruh aku nyobain otak monyet lagi, naudzubilamindzalik jangan sampe deeehh,, haram boo. trus si orang asli dari cina ini bilang, paling enak otak monyet, kalo otak kucing gak enak n lagi kecil kalo otak babi oke . ya ampun nih orang bener2 setan!!!jahat banget! buat aku yang cinta animal, aku rasa itu bener bener biadab n gak berprikemanusiaan.ahhh i've got goosebumps!!! and more the US man, he's sooooo damn weird. dia gak pnter ngobrol, bener bener gak asik buat ngobrol. dia tuh nocturnal kali, soalnya sekarang kan malem nih di sini, nah disana pastinya pagi, dan dia chatnya jawabnya lamaaaaaa n pendek2, bener2 ga asik, so far i never get a real good friend for chatt..ah ya sudahlah, soal si orang cina yang namanya aku lupa, aku mau remove friend aja deh, aku ngeri tiap dia ngomong, bener bener gak klik sama feel ku. okay next threat aku amau cerita soal graduationku yak :). regard
Senin, 04 Februari 2013
my students came
yesterday, some of my students came from boja to visit me. well, although they just six, but it makes me happy. coz i think they showed their love by that. they gave me 2 veil and 2 brooch too. i didn't see it from their price, but i saw it from their love to me. they asked me why i didn't teach them anymore. they told me that they wanted to be taught by me again. but i just could stare them and said "sorry i cant" that was so hurt for me. actually i wanted to teach them again but the condition didn't tell me that. have i told u why i resign? have i posts somethin about that? if yet, i'll post later. well, yesterday, i gave them spaghetti to their breakfast?hahaha.. well they liked it, although it tasted little bit spicy. we went to mall then, i accompany them to shop, buy some accessory. they bought necklaces, hairband or just rings. i didn't treat them anything, well coz my money was spending for the food, drink, and snack for them. i haven't got a job yet, so i just have little money. but actually, i am really happy to see them visited me here-in my house.
Minggu, 27 Januari 2013
i hate
the one that i hate the most is when my mum preach to me! that is so annoying. its just like show how bad i am. and its so awful to me, if i'm a bad girl, i dont want being preached. she just dont know what i want. she always thinks that everything i do is all wrong. i dont like hearing all her words, i just want she get closer to me, know what i want, know what i need. but she doesnt know all that one, make me uncomfortable when i near her. coz everything i do are wrong. EVERYTHING! then, what should i do? her approachment to me is totally wrong! i am 22 and walk to 23 some days later and i dont want my mum to be my shadow. i have my own life, and i exactly know what i do, and what will i do. oh my god, all she do just irritate me much.i have no idea thats the sign of her love or she just press me do what she want? ah shit
Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013
Narcissistic man
well night coming and i awake and cant sleep again. so i'd better to write i think. mmm... i wanna write about a friend of mine. he's the one that asked me write a poem some days ago. his name is Mark. i think, something's wrong in his head, i have no idea that he always think that he's so handsome, he is the most handsome in this world, OMG, ya i have to say that he's handsome, but i think he's not the most handsome man in this world! yesterday, he said that he must be my favorite person in this world, because he's handsome, then i said no, i said that he isn't my favourite person. i have my favourite person, then he said that i was lying. oh my god! whats wrong with his head actually? he really made me laugh! i have no idea why he though that he's the most handsome in this world!! i think that's a illness?lol, i think he has prince syndrome!he's so narcissistic and i start to not like him...
Jumat, 25 Januari 2013
another poem
okay, i've post my poem, and i'll post another one. actually i have a lot, i write them since junior high school, or i can call them rhyme, coz its like i tell through a pen. i think i'll write them here.. someday.. haha..
ah, and this poem is bit short, different with before, which is quite long. aand, i have no title yet for this one. but enjoy it :)
ah, and this poem is bit short, different with before, which is quite long. aand, i have no title yet for this one. but enjoy it :)
much love of you
That i
ever see
But do
you know i’m in blue?
you’re too fancy to me
I want
to hug you tight
But one
i stand just held my head high
Fall in
the deepest sorrow
nothing i can follow
another love another time
Said you’ve
found something worthy
never be mine
make me so slightly
Every people know my feeling
And I'm sure so do you
But one I know you never thinking
About me and you
It is just a poem
Every people know my feeling
And I'm sure so do you
But one I know you never thinking
About me and you
It is just a poem
long time don't write, miss this pages a lot, although some posts here, or mamybe all posts here arent useful, hehe,,
well, yesterday, a friend of mine who is a Greek asked me to look for a poem, its for his friend.. and his friend asked him to find it for his gf, thats weird huh?bit complicated. he asked me to find a poem about body smell, its kinda weird for me, body smell? i can't find it exactly. so i decided to write it. it need a bit time and some of those words i picks from jason mraz's song, andy williams' song and sketer davis' song. and of course i use my word too. i have no idea if it good or not, but well i've got tried at least. i'll post it, i hope you like it, and i have another one too, its mine, originally my words, i'll post it after this poem. enjoy :)
ah. her name is maria.. so i put her name some in this poem
well, yesterday, a friend of mine who is a Greek asked me to look for a poem, its for his friend.. and his friend asked him to find it for his gf, thats weird huh?bit complicated. he asked me to find a poem about body smell, its kinda weird for me, body smell? i can't find it exactly. so i decided to write it. it need a bit time and some of those words i picks from jason mraz's song, andy williams' song and sketer davis' song. and of course i use my word too. i have no idea if it good or not, but well i've got tried at least. i'll post it, i hope you like it, and i have another one too, its mine, originally my words, i'll post it after this poem. enjoy :)
ah. her name is maria.. so i put her name some in this poem
Just you
You re one
in constellation
Shining bright of the night
Dancing as a cosmic star
with no hasitation
Shining bright among all
Oh Maria
You are my illuminating
Crashing waves and breaking
Second of none oh Maria
There are no
words in the world
Which cant describe you
Your body, your beauty,
everything worthy
Like my love to you... oh
You are the sweetest story
of my love
There never be another love
another time
You come and fill my heart
with your love
You fix my life and make it
all fine
Dont know
when it begin
You show how great a love
can be
You show the sweetest love i
ever see
No lie but truth you give to
A love of
There no own but one
Without a doubt we will fine
Endless, eternal, just like
a shine
The sun
will stop shining
And the sea rush to shore
But that are not the end of
the world
It just ended when i lost
your love... my Maria
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